Sunday, 8 June 2014

Through the Fishing Nets

Photo Title: Through the Fishing Nets
Date Taken: 8th April 2014
Place Taken: Thu Bon River, Hoi An, Vietnam
Technical Bits: F-stop: 6.3, Exposure Time: 1/1000, ISO: 200, Exposure Bias: -2.7, Focal Length: 21mm

We had set out early to photograph the sunrise through the fishing nets on the river. It was our first full day in Hoi An and cruising the river was a stunning way to start the day.
These fishing nets are lowered into the water and then they are hoisted back into this position. As the fishing nets are raised, the fisherman beat the nest to bring their catch back to the centre of the nets. The problem is though there tends not to be too much in the fishing net when they finish this process.
But with this in mind they still work very hard to produce a catch that they can sell at the local market.

You can find more photos and information here



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Where have I been this time???

Where you ask???

Well I have been to Vietnam and what a beautiful place it was.

I decided to do a photographic tour of Vietnam with a friend who runs a tour company Spotlight on Asia.

This Vietnam tour was for 23 days taking in the whole country. I also continued on to do an additional 9 days it the Khau Vai Love Market in the very north of the country.

So these entries won't be a day by day account of where I went or what I did, but I will be posting the photos that I really liked from the trip.

Now I won't be posting the 17,000 photos that I took either - so I won't be boring you with all of them - just the ones that I really do like & I hope that you will like them too.

I will give you some information on these photos as well as the setting I used to capture these photos.

I shoot with a Pentax K-3 limited edition silver camera. I have quite a few lenses that I use. For this trip I took a Sigma 10-20mm F3.5, Pentax 50mm F1.4, Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 and a Sigma 150-500mm F5-6.3

Spring Bloom Camera Strap 
I also have an Abie Spring Bloom strap on my Camera that I find very comfortable and easy to use. It can be used as a normal strap, or in messenger style.

So let's start with this adventure :)

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